Top 15 Enterprise Search Software Vendors in 2024 [Features + Differentiators]

updated on 08 July 2024

Enterprises today face a major challenge of finding relevant information from the heap of data available. According to a survey by Gartner, close to 47% of digital workers cannot find the information they need to perform their duties effectively.

The enterprise search software can play a major role in resolving that issue. However, choosing the right one is vital. So to help you out, this guide will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the following:

1. What is enterprise search software? 

2. What features to look at one choosing one?

3. The best 15 enterprise search software vendors in 2024

Understanding Internal Information Search 


The internal information search systems act like a search engine similar to Google. It will include all the information from the internal sources of the company. The best enterprise search software will leverage AI (Artificial intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) to help you get the relevant tools.

What Is Enterprise Search Software?


The enterprise search software is a search SaaS that helps your team with internal information search. Employees might spend a lot of time finding the relevant information. This time consumption can decrease productivity and can be critical for a few industries.

Take the healthcare industry as an example, where reports show that GPs spent an average of 17.7 minutes on their search for clinical information. With the right AI enterprise search, your workforce can quickly access the relevant information.

Features of the Best Enterprise Search Software


Not every search engine enterprise is worth going for. It is important to find enterprise search solutions that are worth their weight in salt. For that, you need to consider a few factors when choosing a search software for your office:

Speed and Accuracy - The tool should enable your workforce to access documents and all relevant information in milliseconds.

·Secure Access and Permissions - Ideally, the enterprise AI search tool you choose should provide companies with granular control regarding who can access the information.

·Intuitive and User-Friendly Interface - The UX/UI design should be easy so that companies and their workforce don't have to struggle with adoption.

·Integrations and APIs - Advanced integrations and API capabilities in your software search option to crawl and index data from various internal sources, offering unified access to all information from one search bar.

·AI and Machine Learning - AI and ML should be the cornerstone of the enterprise search solution as it will help improve knowledge quality over time.

Enterprise Search Software: 2024 Vendors

With so many enterprise search tools available, choosing the right one can be challenging. Nevertheless, you should keep the above factors in mind to find the best one. To make things easier, here are the top 15 enterprise search software vendors in 2024

1. Disearch

On top of the list, we have Disearch and it stands out for all the right reasons. This platform can help with enterprise search optimization and gets your data indexed in real time. Furthermore, it comes with generative AI-driven assistance and interactive chat functionality to help you understand the platform. All in all, it is a one-stop solution for your enterprise search software.

Key Features:

Ø  Amazing search analytics

Ø  Robust enterprise security

Ø  100+ integrations (personal and workplace connectors)

Ø  Unified search

Ø  Indexing controls that keep personal data private

2. Glean 

The information and software searcher from Glean is known for its user-friendliness. With the Glean enterprise search platform's advanced search functionalities, you can easily find the relevant information you need without any issues.

Key Features:

Ø  99.9% uptime SLA

Ø  Simplifies information retrieval

Ø  An intuitive interface

3. Guru 

Another enterprise search tool worth checking out is Guru. It ensures that your employees can easily get all the information they need. They have the perfect knowledge base by their side to guide them through.

Key Features:

Ø  Captures, organizes, and shares knowledge effectively

Ø  Provides access to verified information and expertise

4. Coveo 

The cloud-based artificial intelligence search platform that you get from Coveo enables you to get a better experience. It includes a semantic search functionality and natural language processing as well as machine learning-powered recommendations. All these things improve the overall experience when using this tool.

Key Features:

Ø  Leverages semantic search to streamline processes

Ø  Helps with internal knowledge management in a much better way

Ø  Enhances customer-facing digital experiences

5. Elastic 

The thing about the Elastic enterprise search tool is that it consists of an open-source search and analytics engine. As a result, you have the flexibility to create personalized search apps.

Key Features:

Ø  Comes with scalable data ingestion

Ø  Has various machine-learning models

Ø  Include analytics and advanced relevance

6. IBM Watson Discovery 

The IBM Watson Discovery is known for helping individuals to search and analyze extensive amounts of structured and unstructured. It does this by using natural language processing and machine learning algorithms.

Key Features:

Ø  Identifies patterns, trends, and actionable insights

Ø  Processes unstructured documents

Ø  Streamlines the internal search process

7. Pinecone

If you Google enterprise search, Pinecone is one of the top options you'll see. It is a vector database and search service that you can use to create your own customizable database.

Key Features:

Ø  Helps developers create scalable search applications

Ø  Offers efficient search functionality

Ø  Specializes in managing high-dimensional data

8. Lucidworks Fusion 

If you are a large organization, then the Lucidworks Fusion is a great option to go for. It is an enterprise AI search platform that helps in breaking down data silos into one unified search index by indexing varied data sources.

Key Features:

Ø  Leverages Apache Spark for ML expertise

Ø  Uses ML algorithms throughout data ingestion to take out contextual insights

9. Microsoft Graph and Copilot 

Copilot is an optimal choice if your company is highly reliant on Microsoft Graph. It is an AI-driven tool that offers seamless integration with your Microsoft 365 Suite. You can use it to search for relevant information in the company’s Microsoft ecosystem.

Key Features:

Ø  Seamless integration with Microsoft 365 Suite

Ø  Easily allows you to navigate through the company’s Microsoft ecosystem.

10. Google Cloud Search

The enterprise search Google offers is known as Cloud Search. Just like Microsoft, it can allow your employees to easily access information throughout the entire G Suite securely.

Key Features:

Ø  Allows users to find information stored in all Google-connected applications

Ø  Provides a unified search experience,

11. AlphaSense 

The AlphaSense leverages the power of AI to help you get insights from various public and private content databases. As a result, it is an optimal choice for market intelligence.

Key Features:

Ø  Access broker research, earnings transcripts, and a lot more easily

Ø  Employs AI technology to give insights to clients

12. Site Search 360 

Site Search 360 is a robust website search product that allows you to index different content types, such as products, FAQs, documents, etc. This robust platform offers crawling, feeds, and sitemaps as well as semantic search capabilities. All these things ensure users find relevant results efficiently.

13. Dashworks 

If you want to have an enterprise search option that organizes and centralizes internal company information, then Dashworks is the go-to option. You can get features such as search optimization and content aggregation. This empowers the team to find and get relevant information throughout the organization.

14. Algolia

Unlike other search enterprise companies, Algolia has a different approach. It offers a platform that caters to the needs of end-users, which are enterprise customers. This tool can help you fine-tune your strategies and improve the overall customer experience.

15. Qatalog 

Last but not least, Qatalog is also one of the best software vendors in the market. You can use it to integrate a wide range of tools for communication, collaboration, and organizational knowledge.


How do I use enterprise search?

You have to enter keywords or natural language questions. The platform will then find relevant information within your company's data.

How does enterprise search software handle updates to the search index in real time?

Indexing updates happen automatically or at scheduled intervals to keep search results fresh.

Can the enterprise search software provide detailed insights into the analytics it tracks?

Absolutely! You can use the enterprise search software to track user searches, identify trends, and offer insights into information access.

What customization options does the enterprise search software offer?

You can customize search interfaces, filters, and data sources to fit your company's needs.

How crucial is the ease of use in successfully implementing enterprise AI search platforms? 

Very important! Ease of use is imperative for user adoption and maximizing the platform's value.

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